Frequently Asked Questions
This course is designed to take you on your journey step by step from learning how to hold the drum and stick, all the way to being able to play along with music and joining in on your first Trad session.
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The Intermediate course is in Development.
The course should take you between four to six months to complete if you set aside an hour a week to learn the rhythmic patterns and some practice time.
Each lesson will teach you basic and more complicated rhythmic patterns accompanied by onscreen graphics that teach you what to play in each phrase of the tune. You will learn about the sticking direction, skin hand positioning, accented strokes, the structure of the tune and then each lesson will finish with an opportunity to play along to music.
Yes there are added features that will allow you to loop sections and slow down your video.
Yes, it is actually recommended to go back and repeat lessons if you are finding things difficult. There is no need to rush the process and you should take it at your own pace.
These are lessons are slightly shorter in length that break down the rhythmic patterns in even more detail. Some practice lessons are simply to play along to music so it is advised to take the time to view them.
The Monthly Subscription offers full access to all lessons for a month.
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The Lifetime Subscription offers full access to all lessons for LIFE!
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If you purchase the course upfront and are dissatisfied with your purchase there is a ‘cooling off’ period of 14 days and your money will be refunded.
You can unsubcribe from the course at any time. THere are no additional costs.